Automotive Perspectives
Perspective Auto’s Road to Carbon-Neutrality Post-COVID From suppliers to buyers, there are more emission sources to control than just cars -
Report Managing Costs in Times of COVID-19 Short term actions will not suffice to ensure profitability for manufacturing firms -
Perspective In Midst Of COVID-19, Auto Faces The Next Big Challenge — Carbon Neutrality With road transportation accounting for almost one-fifth of the CO2 released into the environment, they have no choice but to play a large part in any effort to reduce global emissions. -
Report Doubling Down - Europe's Low-Carbon Investment Opportunity European private sector low-carbon investment toward a net-zero emissions future -
Perspective Investors Give Record Support To Ride-Hailing, EVs, AVs, And Chinese Startups Investors have seen the future when it comes to the almighty car, and it revolves around electrification, driverless vehicles, ride-hailing, and China. Maybe those choices aren’t particularly surprising, but the rate at which backers are throwing money at startups may be. -
Perspective Global Talent Trends Study Mindful of the human capital risks associated with constant change, organizations are realizing that people-centered transformation is the key to transferring the shockwaves of disruption into sparks of brilliance. -
Report Automotive Manager 2018 Disruption if the New Normal -
Perspective Transforming Human Capital for a Digital World in the Automotive Industry Executive Summary -
Perspective Embracing an Electric Future Automakers need a global timetable for phasing out internal-combustion engines -
Perspective Putting People First in the Automotive Industry