


Resources for right now
New cybercrime challenges are the focus of a լи Risk Advisory article, while Guy Carpenter reinsurance experts consider how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected disability and life risk. Data from a Mercer survey underscores benefits of skills-based talent. And Oliver Wyman calls out the first big climate and nature deadlines facing the energy industry. Find these and more timely insights below:
Evolving Cyber Risk Landscape

In the ever-changing world of cybercrime, the ransomware environment appears to be shifting again, with an increase in encryptionless extortion attacks. At the same time, recent events have highlighted risks in IT supply chain.

Evolving Cyber Risk Landscape

In the ever-changing world of cybercrime, the ransomware environment appears to be shifting again, with an increase in encryptionless extortion attacks. At the same time, recent events have highlighted risks in IT supply chain.

Covid Impact on disability risk

In this episode of Guy Carpenter's Fo[RE]sight podcast, reinsurance experts take a historic look at the pandemic, how the virus evolved, downstream effects and lessons learned about data handling.

Covid Impact on disability risk

In this episode of Guy Carpenter's Fo[RE]sight podcast, reinsurance experts take a historic look at the pandemic, how the virus evolved, downstream effects and lessons learned about data handling.

Skills Snapshot Survey report

The report highlights the benefits of skills-based talent and reward practices, including improved employee retention, enhanced workforce agility and greater flexibility for evolving market demands.

Skills Snapshot Survey report

The report highlights the benefits of skills-based talent and reward practices, including improved employee retention, enhanced workforce agility and greater flexibility for evolving market demands.

Energy Counts Down to 2030

Oliver Wyman has calculated how much must be invested in the Energy and Natural Resources industry to achieve the halving of emissions by 2030 that nations have pledged at recent climate summits.

Energy Counts Down to 2030

Oliver Wyman has calculated how much must be invested in the Energy and Natural Resources industry to achieve the halving of emissions by 2030 that nations have pledged at recent climate summits.

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March 2023

Among our latest insights, theGlobal Fleet and MRO Market Forecast,a staple resource of executives working in aerospace and adjacent industries, is out now from Oliver Wyman. Our business experts at լи and the Oliver Wyman Forum have been getting a handle on the rapidly evolving risks associated with themetaverse and crypto.Our teams at Mercer are on top of employees’ expectations forflexibility, Oliver Wyman Health tells us why 2023 may be the year when the healthcare industry regains its footing and Guy Carpenter is tracking and reporting on the impact ofclimate changeand the recentTurkey earthquakes:

The latest forecast marks the Oliver Wyman team's 23rd assessment of the 10-year outlook for the commercial airline transport fleet and the associated maintenance, repair and overhaul market.

The year’s research reveals how well aviation managed to perform in 2022, despite a litany of challenges. We’ve essentially moved beyond COVID-19, but if the industry expected 2022 to be a year of unfettered recovery, it was wrong. From Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and rising inflation to ongoing supply chain irregularities and labor shortages that made the industry curtail capacity, 2022 tested aviation’s resilience.

In this year’s report, Oliver Wyman examines and measures the impact of the many mounting pressures facing the industry, insights that should lead to well-informed business decisions and better navigation of the complex economic landscape.

The collapse of FTX in November 2022 put a capstone on a terrible year of failures and lost market value in the world of digital assets. Did this prove that the whole crypto boom was just a speculative bubble or even a scam? Can serious people in finance now disregard the sector?

The short answer is no – and that’s a good thing.

The challenge ahead – for digital asset businesses, investors, developers, policymakers, and consumers – is to focus on that promise, identify and rectify the flaws, and develop rules of the road (both formal and informal) that offer protections for investors and users while fostering truly valuable innovation.

Work flexibility and time off are more important to employees than ever before. Many employers made changes on the fly to their time-off programs during the pandemic.

Whether you did or didn’t, now is a good time to take stock of your programs and policies and look for opportunities to improve competitiveness and ensure compliance. You should also be prepared to answer questions about a 4-day work week, because if you haven’t gotten them yet, you will!

Meanwhile, before we get sidetracked thinking about ways to spend that extra day off each week, here are four things employers can do to add flexibility to their time-off policies right now.

After three years of upheaval, 2023 may be the year when the healthcare industry regains its footing. Doing so, especially during continued economic uncertainty, will require all parts of the industry pulling in the same direction — whether its further adoption of value-based contracting, more creative use of advanced analytics, or zeroing in on administrative efficiencies.

While predicting the future is always tricky, Oliver Wyman partners issued their 2023 forecast for the industry during two recent webinars. Here are five issues they identified as areas to watch.

As our climate continues to change, the number and severity of significant disasters is projected to increase. The disaster burden not only strains individuals, but governments as well. Disaster risk financing and public-private partnerships can open new opportunities to unlock risk capital and expand risk transfer solutions.

Partnering is key for tackling the most pressing challenges of the day and new thinking by insurance professionals, capital providers, policymakers and regulators is needed to create win-win arrangements.

In this episode of Fo[RE]sight, Guy Carpenter experts Joe Becker and Ruth Lux discuss climate change impacts on the public sector, facilitating risk transfer through resilience and how insurance professionals can help address growing protection gaps.

April 2023

Right now, we've released groundbreaking research to aid in the prioritization ofcybersecurity investments.We have global industry experts exploring innovative applications forparametric insurance solutionsand others addressing the top concerns of employers, from driving growth while respectingwork life balanceto understanding what it takes to connect with and inspireGen Z talent.We’re talking to hundreds of European senior executives to shed light on critical success factors when designing and implementingtransformation strategies.And we are out front on mitigating the impact offlood damage. Latest insights:

Triggering Change: Parametric Solutions for Climate Resilience

Parametric solutions are very versatile – in principle, any financial loss can be insured underthis design as long as there are available datasets that reliably describe financial exposures to physical hazards or any other risk driver.

As the range of applications of parametric solutions continues to expand, one area of particular focus is climate resilience. Parametric insurance can be a crucial tool for adaptation in a warming world and to prepare for long-term climate trends.

Triggering Changefeatures perspectives from business leaders across լи McLennan who routinely help clients on their climate resilience journey. Building on the successes of a wide range of parametric solutions developed by լи’s Parametric Center of Excellence and Guy Carpenter’s Parametric Advisory,Triggering Changefocuses on new solutions emerging for businesses, the public sector and vulnerable communities.

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In case you were thinking a declining economy would lessen the talent supply challenge – we don’t see it. We anticipate demand in the labor market will remain higher than usual and employees will continue to reevaluate their relationships with their employers. We’re offering up some strategies that can help employers priortize growth in harmony with their employees’ well-being.

What’s top of mind for employees? Their well-being. Employees are concerned about work life balance and mental health. Employee burnout remains high with half of workers saying they feel exhausted on a typical day. So, how can an employer continue to prioritize growth and their employees’ well-being? Here are three pragmatic strategies that address the needs of the employer and the employee in harmony.

Businesses have experienced a whirlwind of change to their workforces in the last few years.Now business leaders are trying to figure out how to connect with, inspire and manage their remodeled workforces for the future.

The biggest mystery by far is Gen Z, which will account for a third of the global population by 2025. The level of disagreement among human resource teams and business leaders over flexible schedules, benefits and other efforts to attract and retain these younger workers is unlike anything we have seen.

New research suggests employers can attract this extraordinary pool of talent if they are willing to set aside some of the practices that have worked in the past and meet Gen Zers where they are, on their terms. Those that don’t risk a continued disconnect among their generational workforces at best, and continued churning of talent and knowhow at worst.

Oliver Wyman’sPerformance Transformation Surveycaptures the voice of more than 200 European senior executives and sheds light on how business leaders intend to navigate their company’s transformation through these challenging times.

Executives expect to see margin decline over the next 12 months in an environment that continues to be highly demanding. They see a massive need for transforming their companies and will need to strike a balance in managing cost and profitability in light of current market challenges.

We find that many executives are not yet fully ready to transform. Their transformation plans are in risk of failing to deliver the desired results.We highlight the critical success factors for company leaders when designing, building and implementing the transformations necessary to realize their highly ambitious strategic agenda and achieve sustainable results.

Floods are the most common, most expensive and most deadly natural disaster that communities across the United States experience. According to the Insurance Information Institute, approximately 90% of all US natural disasters also involve flooding from any number of sources, inducing inland flooding, flash floods and flooding from seasonal storms.

Guy Carpenter’s Julian Enoizi, Head of Global Sector, testified recently before the House of Representatives Financial Services Subcommittee Hearing on Housing and Insurance about the need to improve readiness and mitigate the impact of flood damage.

May 2023

At this moment, our global business experts are working with leaders across industries to define theirinflation protection strategies,find sustainable ways totransform cost and ignite growth,thoughtfully considercritical risk areasfacing board members and prepare for and assess damages fromnatural catastrophes.And we remain out front on understanding rapid innovations inartificial intelligence.The latest insights from our teams acrossլи, Guy Carpenter, Mercer and Oliver Wyman:

Our Mercer Investment specialists explain how building inflation protection into portfolios requires broad diversification across a number of asset classes and strategies.

With inflation showing staying power, how can your firm best harness risk and prepare for a potential downturn? Oliver Wyman's Performance Transformation team shows how to drive smart cost decisions and win in uncertain times.

As boards strengthen their companies’ resilience, conveying their efforts to underwriters can help improve directors and officers liability insurance pricing and coverage terms and best position their businesses at insurance renewals.

The CAT Resource Center from Guy Carpenter provides live event coverage and seasonal outlooks for natural catastrophes, including hurricanes, winterstorms, wildfires and earthquakes.

June 2023

The 2023 Atlantic hurricane season has begun, running June 1 to November 30. Our լи experts advise on how organizations can prepare for the potential impact ofsevere stormsto their people, their properties or their supply chain. A new report from Guy Carpenter comprehensively assesses the size and shape of thecyber industry.Mercer takes us through why the status quo ofwork designis no longer working. And at Oliver Wyman, they have quantified the state of theairline industryand uncovered what traditional media can learn frominfluencers.Latest insights, plus a closer look atwildfire risk:

լи experts discuss the importance of building resiliency both ahead of and during tropical storm season and acting on lessons learned.

Guy Carpenter quantifies the evolution of the cyber market as a core line of business,assessing the size and shape of the industry as well as for the first time providing a multi-model vendor view of the potential scale of a global cyber industry loss.

A confluence of changing priorities is creating challenges and, in turn, opportunities for organizations to evolve.Work design creates efficiency, agility and resilience. It helps the organization and culture evolve to productively retain and engage talent.

Oliver Wyman’sAirline Economic Analysis2022-2023 documents and quantifies the trends affecting the airline industry. In short, the industry has adapted swiftly and smartly to constant and unrelenting pressure. Airline agility has begun to pay off.

To reshape their own strategies, traditional media firms need to understand why Gen Zers are drawn to influencers. The Oliver Wyman Forum has identified three key lessons that stand out for traditional media.

A Closer Look @ Wildfire Risk

The Canadian wildfires spreading this spring - and their smoke drifting widely across North America - have raised new questions about how prepared we are as nations, as businesses and as individuals to face not only the threat of fire damage but also the effects of poor air quality. Here is some recent guidance from climate experts across our global enterprise on how to manage wildfire risk and climate risks more broadly.

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July 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine continue to heighten the risk landscape. Mercer’scost of livingresearch indicates many economies are still absorbing the shocks produced by these events. In itsPolitical Risk Report 2023,լи provides the essential guide to the top risks and opportunities across regions. Guy Carpenter unpacks the lessons from the recentMOVEit breachand the implications for the cyber insurance industry. And Oliver Wyman teams offerrestructuring strategiesfor difficult times and identify aflight path to 2050for sustainable growth in the airport industry. Latest insights:

Drawing on our comprehensive analysis of 197 countries and territories, this report summarizes four pressing risk trends: political instability, economic retrenchment, competition for strategic resources and supply chain diversification.

Developers of a widely-used file sharing solution recently disclosed a critical security vulnerability. Guy Carpenter experts say cyber insurers would be wise to revisit the issue of systemic cyber risk.

Hong Kong, Singapore and Zurich are the most expensive cities for international employees this year. How has the cost of living crisis affected multinational organizations and their global talent?

This year’s report is based on a survey of experts across Europe and Oliver Wyman analysis. Challenging times demand convincing strategies.

Oliver Wyman, ACI World and the Sustainable Tourism Global Center identify what airport leaders, regulators and other decision-makers should prioritize to allow for sustainable industry growth from decade to decade.

August 2023

լи explores role of insurance sector in shaping how companies balance unique risks and rewards ofgenerative AI. A study from Guy Carpenter offers better visibility into factors driving results ofcyber risk models. The Mercer health team reminds employers thatsupporting employeesduring difficult times earns trust and loyalty. From Oliver Wyman, we have practical advice oneffective leadershipin times of crisis and a survey that busts myths aboutclimate change action and income. Latest insights:

Guy Carpenter experts have applied advanced analytics using predictive modeling to achieve a deeper and more robust understanding of key factors leading to different results in the models used to formulate cyber insurance policies.

Is your employee health program ready for climate change? With wildfire season well underway, this is a good time to remind your employees about the range of benefits to support them throughout challenges posed by hazardous air quality.

Oliver Wyman explores the personal challenges leaders face during a crisis and the innovative approaches required to lead effectively in unexpected situations.

Contrary to mainstream climate discourse, low-income households are strong participants in the fight against climate change, according to a new Oliver Wyman Forum survey of 10,000 respondents across 11 countries.

September 2023

լи Specialty's latest update on the global construction market finds great cause for confidence in the industry over the longer term. Guy Carpenter sheds light on recent ransomware attacks on casino operators. Mercer experts explain how biodiversity risks should be considered when shaping investment portfolios. And Oliver Wyman lays out strategies for tackling the risk of margin compression proactively.

լи Specialty’s Global Construction Market Update provides readers with the latest market details at both a global and region-by-region basis and provides expert opinions on what trends may occur throughout the remainder of the year.

Guy Carpenter scientists and engineers review reported damage in order to explain the scale of the destruction that has been observed. They will also consider a survey of the building codes and their efficacy in the region, including the quality of regulation and enforcement.

How is growing investor awareness of biodiversity risks playing out in portfolios, and where are investors responding to opportunities as strategies and allocations adapt?

Considering recent market shifts, businesses must be aware of the critical factors that may result in severe margin compression and learn how to navigate this shifting landscape proactively. Oliver Wyman energy and finance experts explain.

October 2023

The Emerging Risks Group at լи explains the importance and implications of an increase inextreme heat-related workers' compensation claimsin the US. Guy Carpenter sheds light on recentransomware attackson casino operators. A new book from Mercer and Thinkers50 redefines our perspective onmodern workplaces. And Oliver Wyman shares the experiences of climate, sustainability and commercial leaders who are seeking to achieveclimate action at scale.

Extreme heat has not yet been the subject of protective regulations to date. This further amplifies worker safety risk in the absence of proactive steps by organizations.

In the wake of recent cyberattacks on multiple Las Vegas casinos, Guy Carpenter reports that ransomware is likely to continue to impact the gaming industry, leading to costlier and harder to secure cyber insurance coverage.

Developed by Mercer and Thinkers50, this must-read for all forward-thinking leaders redefines our perspective on putting people at the center of modern workplaces.

To secure the investment and leadership commitment to act at scale, corporate and climate interests need to align. Oliver Wyman illustrates how some leading companies are finding ways to move forward.

A closer look @ workforce trends
As the way we work continues to evolve, լи McLennan teams are uncovering what it takes to lead a successful transformation and developing new work operating systems. They are identifying how to overcome challenges to DE&I strategies, unlock workforce energy, advance women in the workplace and meet the expectations of Gen Z talent. Find insights and the ongoing podcast interview series "The New Shape of Work" below:
Leading Transformation

Oliver Wyman surveyed more than 240 C-suite executives from leading companies across industries in the Americas with the goal of answering what differentiates successful transformations from the rest.

Leading Transformation

Oliver Wyman surveyed more than 240 C-suite executives from leading companies across industries in the Americas with the goal of answering what differentiates successful transformations from the rest.

Future of Work

Learn how organizations are seizing the opportunity to redesign work, working and the workplace. To navigate the rapidly evolving world of work, leaders require a “new work operating system” that unhooks workers and workforce capabilities from traditional job boundaries.

Future of Work

Learn how organizations are seizing the opportunity to redesign work, working and the workplace. To navigate the rapidly evolving world of work, leaders require a “new work operating system” that unhooks workers and workforce capabilities from traditional job boundaries.

Related insights from across լи McLennan

Considering the role of a diverse workforce in driving organizational success, business leaders should find ways to address persisting gaps and challenges and take sustainable action to improve DE&I.

Organizations face the difficult task of paving the way to a future of work where employees can thrive and also deliver on business needs. The key will be designing an employee experience that reflects the company’s brand.

We studied three populations of women to see how their participation in the future of work might look and considered what we need to do to fully unlock their participation and help them realize their potential.

Gen Z isn't afraid to job hop in unfavorable job markets, and employers need to be mindful of their preference for flexible and remote working. Organizations also should emphasize well-being and cultivate passion.

:Join Mercer experts and industry leaders as they discuss transitioning to a more agile workforce for the future.

Focusing the discussion on work-life balance and the need for talent to own their own reskilling journeys misses the broader transformation that needs to occur.
Ravin Jesuthasan, Global Transformation Services Leader, Mercer
The big picture
Businesses are facing a turbulent year, marked by continued inflationary pressures, supply chain disruptions and rising geoeconomic tensions:
Global Risks Report 2024

The report outlines the major risks the world will be facing in the coming years and anticipates a future characterized by an almost inconceivable degree of change.

Global Risks Report 2024

The report outlines the major risks the world will be facing in the coming years and anticipates a future characterized by an almost inconceivable degree of change.

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